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OP16 (2MW


- One 24-hour inspection each year

- Major overhaul after 40,000 hours

- Virtually no lube oil consumption

- Noise < 85 dB(A)

- No oil vapor in the exhaust

- Unburned hydrocarbons < 2 ppm




 - Dual fuel capability

- Wide range of fuels

- Footprint is 19 x 7 x 12 ft

- The core engine is 3,500 lb

- Total package is < 45,000 lb





















                              Oil & Gas: Offshore field, Onshore field & Pipelines        

                              Marine: Cruise ships, Tankers & Special vessels

                              Industrial: Food processing, Ceramics, Textiles& Specialty chemicals          

                              Commercial: Hotels, Hospitals, District heating and cooling & Bio fuel application





Last month 8668


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